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University of Wroclaw

Institute of Sociology

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dr Stanisław Krawczyk

Department of the Sociology of Science, Knowledge, and Culture

Office hours:

  • Wednesday, 14:30–15:30 (room 344)
  • Thursday, 17:15–18:15 (online, MS Teams)
  • No office hours between April 3 and May 31 due to a research stay abroad.

Research Interests:

CV on my home website

List of publications in UWr’s database

Krawczyk, S. (2024). Fabryki XX wieku [The Factories of the 20th Century. Book review: Erik de Gier, Documentary Industrial Novels and the Sociology of Work in the Twentieth Century]. Przegląd Socjologiczny73(1), 195–201.

Mochocki, M., Krawczyk, S., & Mochocka, A. (2024). Polish History up to 1795 in Polish Games and Game Studies. Games and Culture. (A version accepted by the editors, without final proofs and typesetting, can be found here.)

Swatek, A. & Krawczyk, S. (2024). Speaking Truth to Power: A Conversation on Complaint! and Experiences of Power Abuse in AcademiaHigher Education, 87, 1585–1592. (First published online in 2023. Earlier version here.)

Krawczyk, S. (2023). Disciplinary Responses to the Rise of English in Metrics-Driven Social Sciences and Humanities. Globalisation, Societies and Education. (A version accepted by the editors, without final proofs and typesetting, can be found here.)

Krawczyk, S., Szadkowski, K., & Kulczycki, E. (2023). Identifying Top Researchers in Highly Metricized Academia: Two Discursive Strategies of Senior Officials in Poland. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 44(2), 269–280. (First published in 2021. Earlier version here.)

Krawczyk, S. (2022). Gust i prestiż. O przemianach polskiego świata fantastyki [Taste and Prestige: On the Transformations of the World of Speculative Fiction in Poland]. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.

Kulas, P., Waśkiewicz, A., & Krawczyk, S. (Eds.). (2022). Understanding Recognition: Conceptual and Empirical Studies. Routledge.

Kulas, P., Waśkiewicz, A., & Krawczyk, S. (2022). Recognition: An Insight into Past and Present Societies. In Understanding Recognition… (pp. 1–16).

Krawczyk, S. (2022). Popular Authors in Search of Recognition: On the Polish Field of Science Fiction in the 1980s and 1990s. In Understanding Recognition… (pp. 199–216). (Earlier version here.)


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