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University of Wroclaw

Institute of Sociology

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Department of Consumer Behaviour

Academic staff

History of the Department

Department of Consumer Behaviour was established in 2000 within the framework of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Wroclaw at the initiative of prof. dr. Wanda Patrzałek acting from its begining to the present time as the Head of Department. The need for the establishment of the Department was related to the research on the contemporary consumer society as a result of transformation in Poland, but also resulted from science and business cooperation in the field transacted by market research release and Press Research conducted for newspaper publishers in Poland, Germany and the UK. Profile of the Department  is an interdisciplinary staff  next to sociology also present other disciplines such as economics, sociology, law and administration. Department cooperates with the Polish Society of Social Communication in the section of Advertising, whose founder and president since its creation in 2007 until now is a professor. dr. Wanda Patrzałek. Department realized internal grants, such as Polish managers. Sociological profiles, and grants in the context of Higher Education and the National Science Centre (NCN), which included: Information activities of household members and their economic behavior, Symbolic dimension of consumption in contemporary culture in the light of the city residents.

Prof. dr. W. Patrzałek has been an expert in the competitions of NCN in the allocation of funds for research projects, as well as a manager of projects (FGI method for press releases and advertising copy testing, market surveys, monitoring sales of selected newspapers, etc.) on behalf of press companies Phoenix Press Media, Die Verlagsgruppe Jurg Marquard, Bauer, GE Publishing Limited in 1996-2006 and BPV Poland from 2012 to the present.

Head of Department was the founder of Research Firms' Profile - Market "engaged in the market research and public opinion mainly for press companies in Poland and Europe in the years 1996-2006.

The basic areas of research of the Department of Consumer Behaviors include: the behavior of market actors: especially households and businesses, social communication and its barriers in the behavior of consumers, businesses and institutions, advertising message as a social and sociology of consumption.

From 2016/2017 on the initiative of the Department of Consmer Behaviour the Institute of Sociology has created a new direction at the level of undergraduate sociology economic sociologists educating the spheres of business, administration and local government institutions.

Under the supervision of dr hab. W. Patrzałek awards in national competitions in 2014, the best student in the field of humanities and social sciences (ie. Nobel student) and at the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2009. -I place, 2010- Second place, 2016 -II place. Dissertations under the supervision of the head of the Department  have been repeatedly highlighted in 2010.2011, 2012.

Department publishes numerous scientific publications in scoring scientific journals such as Scientific Papers of the University of Economics, Scientific Bulletin of the University of Szczecin, Marketing and Market, Work Research at the University of Szczecin, Marketing and Management.

The Department conducts interdisciplinary teaching at the Institute of Sociology in the range of subjects such as: microeconomics, macroeconomics, theory of enterprise, consumer behavior. the behavior of market actors, sociology of consumption, sociology market, methods and techniques of market research, family and guardianship law, encyclopedia law, intellectual property law. For graduale studies  tere is specialization in the field of market research, which every year enjoys great success among students, as well as numerous seminars bachelors and masters in sociology and social work.

Head of Department, prof. dr. Wanda Patrzałek and Dr. Aleksandra Perchla-Włosik and Dr. Joanna Wardzała have been awarded the Medal of the National Education Commission.

Main research topics

Academic and scientific events

Academic collaboration