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mgr Szymon Pilch
Department of the Sociology of Work and Economic Sociology
- Vice-chair of the Polish Sociological Association, Wrocław Department (term of office: 2021-2024)
Research Interests:
- economic sociology
- sociology of work
- sociology of organizations
- Pilch, Sz. (2023, in press) A career in IT? The meanings of a career at business process outsourcing centres in Poland from a biographical perspective. "Qualitative Sociology Review", XIX(1).
- Pilch, Sz. (2022, in press) Discursive strategies of constructing of IT specialists’ creative work by employers from business services industry in Poland. Initial findings on the example of agile software development. [in:] Sketches from the sociology of creative work. Work, design, communication strategies. [eds.] P. Rojek-Adamek, M. Juza. Krakow: Pedagogical University of Krakow Press.
- Mrozowicki, A., Pilch, Sz. (2021, in press) "Job quality and workers’ power in logistics in the context of the COVID-19 (post)pandemic crisis in Poland”, Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, vol. 12, Number 1(23) Spring 2021.
- Cebula, M., Pilch, Sz. (2020). Społeczne zróżnicowanie gustu muzycznego [Social Differentiation in musical taste]. "Studia Socjologiczne", 236(1), 73-104. Available at:
- Pilch, Sz. (2019). Świat (bez) pracy. Od fordyzmu do czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej. [red.] J. Czarzasty, Cz. Kliszko, Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, 2018, ss. 510 [Review article of: A world (without) of work. From fordism to fourth industrial revolution. [Eds.] J. Czarzasty, Cz. Kliszko. Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Pp. 510. "Przegląd Socjologiczny, 68(2): 209–214. Available at:
- Pilch, Sz. (2018). Społeczne wzory konsumpcji a orientacje aksjologiczne pracowników wrocławskiego sektora kultury i produkcji gier wideo w świetle badań własnych [Social patterns of consumption and axiological orientations of employees of the Wrocław culture and video game production sector in the light of own research]. 9, Wartości, moda, innowacje. Zachowania konsumenckie z perspektywy społecznej i ekonomicznej ["Sociological Forum" 9. Values, fashion, innovations. Consumer behavior from a social and economic perspective]. [Eds.] A. Perchla- Włosik, J. Wardzała. Pp.319. Wrocław: University of Wrocław Press. Available at:
- Pilch, Sz. (2018). Sprekaryzowane zatrudnienie i wolontariat w kontekście spektakularyzacji miejskiej kultury – analiza socjologiczna [Precarious employment and voluntary work in the context of spectacularization of urban culture - sociological analysis]. "Fabrica Societatis", No. 1/2018, 216-235. Available at:
- Pilch, Sz. (2017). Kwestia urynkowienia oraz konsumpcji muzyki rockowej a zagadnienie partycypacji w kulturze muzyki rozrywkowej [The issue of marketization and consumption of rock music and the issue of participation in the culture of popular music]. Rock w humanistyce. Szkice empiryczne [Rock in humanities. Empirical sketches]. [Eds.] P. Drygas. Pp. 9-31. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Warsztatów Analiz Socjologicznych. Available at: :
- XII 2022 - I have been employed as a research assistant in a research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The project is entitled Increase corporate political responsibility and accountability (INCA). The international consortium of partners, consisting of 11 entities, is led by the University of Bologna. The leader on the UWr side is Prof. Adam Mrozowicki.
Grant agreement identifier: 101061653, EU contribution €2,999,991.25, of which €156,000 is allocated to the UWr. The project runs from 10. 2022 - 03. 2026. More information is available at: and on the project website: - I have received the NCN Preludium project entitled "IT specialists in outsourcing centers for business services in Poland. Sociological study of experience of work". No. UMO-2021/41/N/HS6/00557. I am a principal investigator of the project. The scientific supervisor of the project is dr hab. Adam Mrozowicki, Associate Prof. UWr. Amount of funding: 151 607 PLN, duration of research: 13.01.2022 - 12. 01. 2025, funding institution: National Science Centre, Poland.
More information is available at: - In September 2020 I have obtained a second financial support from the Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences at UWr in the frame of the support for young scholars. The second project is entitled: "Agile software development and biography. Sociological experience of work in the business services industry in Poland - the case of IT specialists".
- In September 2019 I have obtained a financial support from the Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences at UWr in the frame of the support for young scholars. As a result of the project entitled "IT specialists in business services centres in Poland: a sociological study of work experience (no. 0411/2076/19.). The project has ended in June 2022.
- I participate and participated in three NCN (Polish National Science Centre)-funded projects:
- "COV-WORK: Socio-economic consciousness, work experiences and coping strategies of Poles in the context
of the post-pandemic crisis" (no. 2020/37/B/HS6/00479) in a role of a PhD student-scholarship holder since
March 2021; COV-WORK: Socio-economic consciousness work experiences and coping strategies of Poles in the context of the post-pandemic crisis - "Election failure as a catalyst for change in European political parties" (no. 2017/27/B/HS5/00537) - I participated in the project as a PhD student-scholarship holder (01. 2019 - 09. 2020) at the University of Wrocław;
- "Social structure, social networks, taste and consumption practices" (no. 2016/21/D/HS6/02424) - I was one of the collaborator in the project at the University of Wrocław (June to August of 2018). Project NCN SONATA „Social structure networks and consumption tastes and practices
- Beside NCN (NSC)-funded projects, I was also a collaborator (November 2020) in a project of the Polish-
German Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) entitled: “Right-wing populism of young
Germans and Poles. The analysis of biographical motives of support for right-wing parties and organizations”
(no. 2019/13).
Research stays
Sweden, Gothenburg, research stay trip within the Erasmus + programme, Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet, February-May 2020.
Finland, Tampere, Tampereen yliopisto, active participation in Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2022 (IREC) funded by the PROM programme (NAWA), September 2022.
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