You are here: Home > Institute > News > Videos from the visit of Prof. Michael Burawoy at the Institute of Sociology
The Institute of Sociology, University of Wroclaw, hosted in May 2018 one of the most influential sociologist and former president of the International Sociological Association, Professor Michael Burawoy. The visit of Prof. Micheal Burawoy was co-funded by the City of Wroclaw as a part of the Visiting Professors Program held by the Scientiae Wratislavienses fund, as well as the University of Wroclaw and Polish Sociological Association.
We are pleased to present the recorded lectures of Professor Burawoy.
Seminar: "Public Sociology — why do we need it?"
Lecture: "The Public University - A Battleground for Real Utopias"
Seminar: "What can we learn from cases? Extended case method in social sciences"