You are here: Home > Institute > News > How to stop the COVID-19 epidemic in Wrocław and Lower Silesia? the MOCOS Group recommendations
The MOCOS Group (MOdelling COronavirus Spread) is an international, interdisciplinary team of scientists involved in modeling the COVID-19 epidemic. The Institute of Sociology is represented in the group by dr hab. Barbara Pabjan. The Group has just published the most recent recommendations for Lower Silesia regarding the actions aimed at counteracting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the region.
On the MOCOS website, we can learn that "modelling as of 19.04.2020 indicates that:
- in Lower Silesia we are probably near the critical line of the epidemic,
- since the beginning of the quarantine, non-work related contacts have been reduced by about 60-80%, of those infected with the virus but undergoing the disease with mild symptoms (not requiring hospitalization), approx. 20-50% of cases are detected.
Although the analysis shows the trend of the epidemic moving towards the state of extinction, it is still far too early to give up contact reduction."
The group recommends:
- "to maintain a reduction in human contact,
- increase the effectiveness of tracing the contact history of infected persons and quarantining or isolating those who have had contact with infected persons,
- increasing the level of testing and detection of the virus in persons with mild symptoms."
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