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University of Wroclaw

Institute of Sociology

You are here: Home > Events > Transnational companies as the laboratories of resistance: the case of protests of Amazon workers in Europe 

The Wroclaw Department of the Polish Sociological Association is pleased to invite all interested for a public lecture and meeting with Johannes Schulten: "Transnational companies as the laboratories of resistance: the case of protests of Amazon workers in Europe".

For more than three years, including well over 100 strike days, the employees at Amazon Germany have continued to fight for a collective agreement. Although the labour dispute has still not been won, I would argue that the conflict has become a ‘laboratory of resistance’. Important lessons have been learned, not only with respect to the possibilities of worker‘s resistance against a highly flexible, fully controlled and precarious type of employment in transnational companies, but also in terms of international solidarity and cooperation with other sites in Europe.

The talk will argue two points: Based on concepts of union power resources, strategic capabilities and mobilization theory, it will use the example of the strike at Amazon in Bad Hersfeld to show that it is possible for unions leaders and activists to adapt strategies to changed circumstances. Secondly, it will give a short overview over the situation of Amazon workers and their resistance in other European Countries like Spain, France and Great Britain.

Venue: Institute of Sociology, University of Wroclaw, ul. Koszarowa 3, room …..

20 April (Thursday), 13:30, room 240 (ROOM CHANGE!) 
