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Public appearances
Papers and Presentations
- (2018) "The life strategies of young Poles in precarious employment. Reflections from the PREWORK project." Conference: Neoliberal Welfare State, Precarity, and Development: Transnational Solidarity and Activism for Global Workers on Decent Work and Dignified Wages", University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. 5 June 2018.
- (2017) “Precarisation and migration: the vicious circle of uncertainty”, 3rd Social Boundaries of Work Conference, University of Silesia, Katowice (Poland), 27-28 October 2017
- (2017) Sussex Migration Graduate Conference, special session for the contributors to the book Regimes of Dis-Integration, Reinhard Schweitzer, Sophie Hinger (eds.) Presentation of the book chapters written by Nina Sahraoui and Iulius-Cezar Macarie, who in turn presented mine contribution “Returning for (dis)integration in the labour market?” University of Sussex, Brighton (UK) 26-27 April 2017
- (2016) “The impact of labour migration episode on social positions of Polish return migrants - qualitative approach”, Conference: Changes, challenges and advantages of cross-border labour mobility within the EU, Aalborg University, Copenhagen (Denmark), 18-20 May 2016.
- (2015) “Post-accession migrants’ labour market flexibility as a matter of choice? Polish return migrants’ coping strategies with discrepancies between their previous employment conditions and those in their home country”. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 25-28 August, Prague (Czech Republic)
- (2015) “Return migration from the UK to Poland in the wake of the 2008 economic crisis.” IMISCOE 3CI PhD Conference/Winter school ‘Changing Europe – Changing Migration. Erasmus University, Rotterdam (Netherlands), 12-16 January 2015.
- (2014) “Return Labour Migrants: The Case of Return Migration from the UK to Poland”. ECPR General Conference, Glasgow (UK), 3-6 September 2014
- (2014) “Regular abroad but irregular at home? Post-accession return migrants inclusion and exclusion on the labour market: the case of return migration from the UK to Poland”. 17th Nordic Migration Research Conference, Copenhagen (Denmark), 13-15 August 2014
- (2014) “Job Is Not Everything. The Case of Return Migration from the UK to Poland in the Wake of the 2008 Economic Crisis”. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology Conference, Yokohama (Japan), 13-19 July 2014
- (2013) “From permanent employment to precariat: contemporary transformations in the sphere of work in Poland” (with Mrozowicki, Adam and Kraskowska, Agata). Conference: Excess and Lack, Wrocław (Poland), 1 December 2013
- (2013) “Emigracja i powrót - zysk czy strata? Dwa dyskursy o powrotach w perspektywie migrantów powrotnych na Dolnym Śląsku” [Migration and return -the gain or the loss? Two discourses on the return migration from the perspective of the return migration to Lower Silesia.] Conference: Polish migrants in Europe, Kraków (Poland), 28-29 November 2013
Workshops, Seminars and Summer/Winter Schools
- (2017) INTEGRIM book workshop Managing (Dis)integration – participation in the kick-off meeting for collective volume devoted to various aspects of migrants integration/exclusion. Central European University, Budapest (Hungary), 24-25 February 2017
- (2016) Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences, Presentation: "Return migrants inclusion and employment: the case of return migration from the UK to Poland", Panel “Citizenship, Migration and Social Inequalities”, Humboldt Universitaet, Berlin (Germany) 17-28 July 2016
- (2015) Inclusion, exclusion and precarious employment in Europe: the story so far from France, Germany, Spain, Poland and the UK - a book workshop. Presentation of the chapter: “Once you see that it can be otherwise, then you expect something else” – labour experience of Polish migrant returnees from the UK”, University of Strathclyde, Ross Priory, Glasgow 15- 18 October 2015.
- (2015) INTEGRIM workshop on Migrants Labour Market Integration. Presentation: “Between labour market integration and precaristation – the experience of Polish return migrants from the UK”, University of Sussex, Brighton (UK) 18th June 2015
- (2015) Labour and Social Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe: Europeanization and Beyond - workshop for the book contributors. Presentation of the chapter: “Between commitment and indifference. Trade unions and young workers facing the expansion of precarious employment in Poland.” [with Mrozowicki, Adam and Krasowska, Agata] Science Po, Paris (France), 2nd October 2015
- (2015) “ChangingEmployment” Brown Bag Lunch session - migrant workers from Poland. Presentation: “Return migrants inclusion and employment: the case of return migration from the UK to Poland”, European Trade Union Institute, Brussels (Belgium), 1st April 2015
- (2014) Research seminar “Participation, Integration and Empowerment”, Queen's University, Belfast (UK) 28-29 June 2014
- (2014) ECPR Research Winter School in Methods and Techniques. Courses: “Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis” (led by Dr Marie-Hélène Paré) and “Introduction to SPSS” (led by Dieter Feierabend), University of Vienna, 14-21 February 2014
- (2014/2015) ITN Film School – a crash course of making and using documentaries in social sciences. The school was led by the filmmakers and academics: Klara Trencsenyi, Vlad Naumescu and Šimon Špidla. Central Eastern European University, Budapest (Hungary) 1-5 December 2014 and 18-23 May 2015.
Invited lectures and participation in debates
- (2017) Invited participation in a round table about the Rafał Wos’s book “To nie jest kraj dla pracowników” [This is not a country for employees], Klub Proza, Wrocław (Poland), 15 November 2017
- (2017) Invited lecture: “Rückkehrer*innen nach Polen” during the OstEuropa Tage [Days of Eastern Europe], Berlin (Germany), 27 June 2017
- (2016) Participation in a public debate: “Niebezpieczna klasa? Prekaryzacja pracy a przyszłość demokracji w Polsce” [Dangerous class? Precarisation and the future of Polish democracy], Organised by the Polish Sociological Association, Wrocław (Poland), 16 October 2016
- (2015) Participation in a public debate: “Are we afraid of Others? Refugees in the public discourse and social practice in Poland”. Organised by the Polish Sociological Association, Wrocław (Poland), 25 October 2015
- (2013) Lecture: “Who needs precariat?” Students Workshop, University of Wrocław (Poland), 7 June 2013
- (2013) Invited public lecture: “The excess of work, the void of work, the precarisation of work.” [with Mrozowicki, Adam and Kraskowska, Agata], Wrocław (Poland), 20 June 2013
- (2013) Participation in a public debate: “Kto się boi prekariatu?” [Who is afraid of the Precariat?], A book store Tajne Komplety, Wrocław (Poland), May 2013